Job Search

Find practical tips and tricks for finding your next career opportunity.

Illustration of cartoon character starting a new job

Are you “swearing in” to your new job today? Whether you’re a spring chicken, career changer, or have an extensive...


refer a friend button on a keyboard

There are a lot of great reasons to refer a friend to your current employer. After all, you are intimately familiar...


Diverse group of professionals representing a wide variety of fields.

iHire boasts 56 separate communities that cater to specific industries and professional specialties. One of them can...


Red, white, and blue banner displaying stars and stripes

With the 2016 presidential election only days away, one candidate will soon be looking for a new job. After a...


fan celebrating at a baseball game

Something pretty awesome is going on in baseball right now. Even if you’re like me and don’t follow sports...


Hand laying out letters spelling bonus

You referred a rock star for the open position at your company and you’re due a referral bonus. Awesome, right? But,...


woman making a tough decision and considering whether it's time for a new job

When you start getting that angst-y feeling at work, channel your inner Clash and ask yourself, “Should I stay or...


Businessman cheering with smile drawn on paper bag over face in office

Need a laugh or two to brighten up your Monday? We searched the depths of the internet to find these 10 fantastic...


why your job search is like a pinata inspirational quotes

No one can deny that searching for a new job can be hard. The lengthy applications, stressful interview processes,...


pokemon go takes skills just like your job search

If you’re anything like me, then you’ve been doing some covert ops pretending to not be playing Pokémon Go while...


man peeking over a cubicle wall to learn about company culture

Follow these tips at your next interview to find out what a company's culture is really like.


athlete jumping in front of the sunset skyline in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Not every Olympian is lucky enough to be a household name with million-dollar endorsement deals like Michael Phelps...


2016 presidential election democrat republican symbols

If you’re feeling discouraged in your job search or stuck in your current career, take a look at where two of...


job seeker being asked an illegal question

How to respond when faced with an interview question employers aren't legally allowed to ask.


Professional punching computer screen, showing it's time for a career change

Bored and unhappy at work? Missing that passion you used to have? Here are 5 signs it’s time to leave your current...


Job seeker celebrating success with city as backdrop

Sometimes we spend so much time writing and rewriting our cover letters, we edit our personalities out of the...


Professional drafting an email while sitting on a couch

In "What Future Employers See in Your Email Address", you learned how to present yourself within an employer’s...


Professional worrying about how to handle a workplace dilemma

We’ve published a series of career advice articles for administrative employees on how to stay professional in the...


illustration of speedometer with "time for a change" written on it.

It’s never too late for a career change! Just look at 54-year-old Michael Vaudreuil: student by day and custodian by...


Closeup view of a job seeker's email address

With so many job applications being completed and submitted online, it is no wonder that an email address is...


Showing 241 to 260 of 278 results